Autism at Work

Tim fully supports companies efforts to add Neurodiversity and Autism to their diversity efforts. Tim networks with many of the leaders in the Autism at Work collaboration. He has studied their approached and created a Best Practices from the perspective of a person with Asperger's. Contact Tim for details on packages he offers starting with a needs discovery assessment call through full implementation services.

For more details on the Autism at Work effort, please use the contact form or call us.

Autism, Neurodiversity, Where do they fit in your company?

Tim offers a Needs Discovery meeting or call to discuss your companies current efforts, your goals, and a path to get from where you are to where you want to be. 

Tim educates executives on what it takes to implement a neurodiversity Autism program. He trains and coaches managers how to manager ASD employees, and helps you design your complete Neudiversity effort.

Need to learn more about Neurodiversity and Autism?


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Contact Tim for more information

Let us know your needs and we will be happy to help as best we can.