Geeks Guide to Interviews

15 Critical Items for the Technical Type

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Geeks Guide to Interviews

An in depth look at the reason that technical workers don't get job offers when they have the skills. Tim Goldstein drew upon his years of experience interviewing as a Geek in the technical data world combined with the input of the HR, hiring managers, and recruiters who will decide if you get the job. Tim presents simple rules that use your strengths to help you pass the soft side of the tech interview. Learn what the interviewers really want to hear and how they like you to respond. Respond the way the want with what they want to hear and the job will be yours!

About the "Geeks Guide To™" Series

Whether you are a full blown Geek that breathes technology, or a non-Geek that needs to deal with Geeks and technology, this series has cutting edge concepts and new approaches for you. Neurotypical or Neurodiverse this book is for you!

“Geeks Guide To™” is based on my experience in many areas such as, a Geek with Asperger’s, independent database developer, entrepreneur, employer, manager, and employee. I believe we geeks view and interact with the world and information in a way associated with Asperger’s Syndrome. We may lag in the social graces and communication, but the wiring of our brains gives us unique ways to view and work with the technology of our increasingly digital world.

The “Geeks Guide to™” series is a two-way street. This book is written for the Geek and how to communicate with the non-Geek world. Many will be for the rest of the world where technology is not the universe or culture you inhabit. In those, I will explain the thoughts and viewpoint of the differently hard wired Geek and Asperger’s brain. You will learn new more effective approaches to dealing with the world of technology and the people that create, build, deploy, and maintain all the physical and virtual aspect of our modern world.

~ Tim Goldstein